15 March 2016

First shoot in 2016

Hello everyone, so on Wednesday last week I finally took my camera and went to do a little test shoot with Jakia. I'm really glad that Jakia has reached out to me and asked if I want to collaborate with her. I finally have realised that it is time to make some mood boards and look for people to collaborate with.

8 March 2016

International Womens Day

So today is International womens day, where I come from during this day women receive flowers from men. It doesn't have to be a boyfriend who gives you the flowers it can be your dad or granddad. I have received flowers from my boyfriends so I have decided to use them to do some self portraits, as I have not  touched my camera for a long time now.

6 March 2016

Black&White Inspirations

The last time I had a camera in my hands was in December... Long time ago, I know. I have decided that now is the time to change that! Especially that spring is coming, the weather will be nicer and there will be more green scenery outside.

1 March 2016

All Black

I can't believe that my last post was on the 2nd of February. I'm not gonna lie but this month was busy and I hope that March will be much better.  I have recently moved houses and started a new job so didn't really have time to think. Now I'm here and hopefully I can post more often.